Angels, Young Adult

Where exactly do all these cities exist and can I visit them?

City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare

The Skinny: This one is way too complicated to summarize, so here is my bullet-point summary:

  • Jace and Sebastian are bonded together – if one dies, the other dies
  • Clary and the Gang want to find Jace, but have to go behind the Clave’s back to do so
  • Clary goes off with Jace and Sebastian, learns of their evil plan
  • Magnus Bane does magic

BFF?: I’m gonna skip Clary because I’ve already determined I want her as my BFF. Instead let’s talk about Isabelle, who has become one of my favorites in this series. Isabelle is a bad ass, no nonsense, sex kitten kind of Shadowhunter. I mean, we have so much in common! (cough, cough) I love how although she has this persona of “I don’t need anyone!” she really is full of heart and compassion. She takes things seriously and they affect her fully. Izzy is hesitant to open herself up to others and is a little on guard when it comes to admitting her true feelings, but I like that she’s sort of squeamish about that kind of stuff. It makes her admittances all the more sincere and meaningful!

Readability: Okay, in my past reviews of the books in this series I’ve mentioned how great they’ve read. And yeah… the tone of the books hasn’t changed, the humor is still highly prevalent… but reading this book was like watching an episode of True Blood. There’s too much werewolf sex and not enough Eric. I kept getting totally frustrated that there were so many different characters and side stories/problems. I wanted to read about Clary and Jace and what was going on with them!

Crush Level: 7
We already know how I’ve got the hots for Jace. Like I’d dump my (imaginary) boyfriend for him. But there’s also another guy who has caught my attention: Simon. Sure… he’s a little nerdy, but since he’s become a vampire, wowzers! has he gotten hot! I mean, I don’t know if it’s the perfect physique or the new found confidence of not being able to die, but something about Simon has really improved over the series. Maybe it’s because he’s pretty much the antithesis of Jace – comfortable, laid back, easy to be with. I mean, I’d still totally go for Jace, but if he isn’t possible, Simon is a good consolation prize!

Bonus Points:
Magnus Bane

I am so in love with Magnus Bane it’s not even funny. He is my favorite character out of all the characters in this series, which, if you’ve been reading it, you know there are a lot! I love that we get to see more of him in this book and get to know a little more about him. It was fantastic! Best part? He wears sparkly armor!

Traveling House

So there’s this house that Jace and Sebastian are staying in that can pretty much “travel” to anywhere in the world. One day the front door opens into Paris, then the next into Prague. Seriously, I need to get me one of these houses!

Clary on the Cover

So while the cover definitely screams “Don’t read this in public because you will be mocked!” I love Clary on it. And I wouldn’t mind owning a dress like hers!

Negative Bonus Points
Jace on the Cover

Yeah… his butt sticks out way too far and he’s not as sexy as he was on the cover of City of Bones. But mostly I can’t get over the butt.

Commencement Speech: Things are really starting to heat up in City of Lost Souls. The stakes are steeper, the consequences are tougher, and the sex is hotter. Okay… there’s really not that much sex, but everyone is starting to pair off nicely and have some snuggly time. As much as I’ve really loved this series and think it’s continued to stay pretty fresh and fun, I’m kind of at that “alright already!” point. It’s like there keeps on being problems, there keeps on being challenges, there keeps on being SOMETHING that’s keeping Clary and Jace apart… It’s really frustrating. I just want them together! Urgh!

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. I couldn’t put it down, was entertained and was ready for more… but honestly, I’ll be glad when this series is over!

Yearbook Quote: “Of course that could be because I’ve got an eighteen-year-old boyfriend with a stamina rune and she doesn’t.”

Superlatives – Most likely to be confused with Season 3 of True Blood

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