Report Card

Here at the GUYA I use the highly scientific, well researched, and tested method of reviewing called WHIWB… or Whatever the Heck I Want it to Be. Here’s the grading system I will use for reviews:

The Skinny: What’s the hap yo? Gimme the 411. Call this section whatever new colloquialism you want, but essentially this is what it’s all about. No spoilers, of course! Nothing ruins a book quite like learning 3 chapters in that Harry Potter dies in the end.

BFF?: Some of my best friends are book characters – I find no shame in this and neither should you. So of course whenever I read a new book I go in there with the thought “Could we be friends or is he/she getting on my last nerve?” Characters can make or break a book, despite how awesome/lame it may be.

Readability: I find that the best books are those that I can become a part of, whether I become the main character and live his or her adventures/life or am so drawn into the world that I forget I’m actually not a character in the book. This factor will also examine the language of the book, whether it’s trying a little too hard or actually captures the voice of a young adult.

Crush Level: 1 (OMG worst guy ever!) – 10 (Yowzer!).  There’s no doubt about it: YA literature is chock full of hotties who, no matter how old we get, still do it for us. Whether they remind you of your first love or that wild school-girl crush you had way back when, these love interests can make us sigh with more happiness than is natural. The built-up tension, the flirtatious looks or brushing of hands… oh to be young and in love again!

Bonus Points: Anything that makes this book extra special to me. Band geeks. Mythology. Accents. The list goes on… and on… and on…

Commencement Speech*: My final thoughts and review of the book. Hopefully there won’t be too many cliche “the road less taken” lines like so many commencement speeches are subject to.
*Some reviews might not have this – don’t be alarmed. I loved them just the same!

Yearbook Quote: I love quotes. This is where I get to leave you with any great lines or takeaways from this book. Don’t worry; no spoiler quotes! I also do not put quotes from ARCs, unless a) the book is already published by the time I’ve written the review or b) a quote is just way too good not to put.

Superlatives: Just like your high school year book. Only funner. Most likely to… Make my heart flutter? Be successful without really trying?  Capture the hearts of cougars everywhere?

Comments make me happy, as do you!