To Do Lists, Young Adult

Top Ten Tuesday – Favorite Romances

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created by The Broke and the Bookish. Every week they come up with a topic and invite whoever wants to add their own list to their own blog.

Ahhh love… l’amour… kissy times. Is there really anything better than romance? Wait. Lemme clarify… is there anything better than BOOK romance? No matter how happy you are in your current romantic situation, there are always those romances that we tend to say “now THAT is what romance is.”

Today’s Top Ten are my favorite romances:

Elisa and Hector, Girl of Fire and Thorns series – In the first book of the series, not so much. In the second, though, WOWZER! Definitely made me swoon A LOT.

Anna and St. Clair, Anna and the French Kiss – No, it wasn’t super scorching take a cold shower after reading romance. But it was so sweet! Like that darling, budding, BGFF kind of love that I absolutely WANT in my life!

Katsa and Po, Graceling and Bitterblue – Now THIS is a super scorching take a cold shower after reading kind of romance. I liked this one because it was based on mutual understanding and respect. There was no pressure to be something the other wasn’t. I like that.

Clary and Jace, Mortal Instruments series – Their romance was like the big epic love that could. You wanted them to get together. You NEEDED them to get together. You didn’t care if they WERE cousins, just do it already! Okay… probably not the best sentence I could have used considering I’m from Alabama.

Lola and Cricket, Lola and the Boy Next Door – He told her a story that started out “Once upon a time there was a girl who looked at the moon.” And I. Just. Died.

Mia and Michael, Princess Diaries series – 10 books of their love is just not enough. I want to see them in college. I want to see them in grad school (because you know they’re both going). I want to see them get married and have babies and then grand babies and then go to Heaven together. Like there is just not enough of their romance to be satisfied with.

Kat and Hale, Heist Society series – This one is so CUTE! There romantic tension, flirting, fun… even though you squirm for them to kiss you LOVE seeing them at the beginning of whatever it is they’re leading to.

Charlie and Sam, Perks of Being a Wallflower – So I know they aren’t exactly a COUPLE in this book, I loved how much Charlie had fallen for Sam. I loved that Sam kind of liked Charlie, but it wasn’t really in a romantic way. It was a little torturous and sweet and unrequited and perfect.

Eleanor and Park, Eleanor & Park – I TOTALLY fell for this romance. The way it slowly grew, slowly growing on me… I used to have a friend who always asked me about girls, how to talk to them, what to say. Eleanor and Park’s romance reminded me of him, young and sweet and innocent.

Lucy and Daniel, Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married – My favorite romance ever. They’re friends, the guy loves the girl, the girl doesn’t love him, she finally discovers him and her feelings and they fall in love! And all along the way we get to see them slowly discovering each other. I read the end of this book all the time just to see them get together. It’s like reading the part where Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett get together. Over and over and over!

Whew! After listing these, I need to find me a date for Valentine’s Day!

15 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Favorite Romances”

  1. So many of these are just so darn good!!! Stephanie Perkins is just the queen of amazingly amazing romances isn’t she?!


  2. There are sooo many on this list that are just that good!!! I also believe that Stephanie Perkins is the queen of amazingly amazing romances!!


  3. Oh Anna & St. Clair…. SIGH. Simply adore them!!!! I can’t wait to see more of Kat & Hale in the next couple books of Heist Society!
    Great list 🙂 Love your choices!


  4. Anna and St. Clair! I love them. I wasn’t a fan of St. Clair at first with all of his drama, but by the end I was all for that romance. I haven’t read Lola and the Boy Next Door yet, but I plan on it and I can’t wait for that romance, either!


  5. DUDE yes to all of Stephanie’s couples. SO GOOD. She is like the queen of swoon. I shall give her that title with a crown.

    Also I don’t know why I didn’t think of Elisa and Hector! I need to read book 2 soon! And you are the second person who has Eleanor & Park on your list that I’ve seen so far and I feel like I need to read this book. Is it a me book?


  6. I am dying to read Eleanor & Park… I preordered it and am just waiting. Hopefully it is worth the loooooong wait (I’ve been wanting to read it for like 8 months or something)!


  7. I adored Eleanor and Park’s love story. I have to admit that I love when love takes time to develop – instalove is a pet hate of mine and I just thought how E&P had to get to know each other was beautiful.

    And you’re making me wish I kept on reading the Princess Diaries after book 4…


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