Young Adult

Sign up! Sign up! Everybody, everybody!

If you missed the sign up for my 30 Days of Giveaways to celebrate my 30th birthday in January, you’re in luck! I’m giving you ANOTHER chance to sign up!

And in case you need some incentive to sign up, here are just SOME of the goodies that will be part of the giveaway madness!

Books inspired prizes (Jellicoe Road, Princess Diaries, Harry Potter; just to name a few!)

Awesome book art

Amazon gift cards


Cake! (okay, maybe not cake, but I’ll eat some for you!)

You see how great this is? You should TOOOOTALLY sign up! It’s easy! All you have to do is leave a comment and your email address. THAT’S IT!

Winning starts on 1/1/2012!

17 thoughts on “Sign up! Sign up! Everybody, everybody!”

  1. What an awesome idea! And for those of us who have Soon-To-Be-30 Anxiety, just remember… 30 is the new 20! Sign me up! krcardell (at) yahoo (dot) com πŸ™‚


  2. Saw your post on Twitter — this is exciting! The big 3-0! What a way to celebrate a bookish birthday.

    My email: andtara at gmail !


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